Scoala de Valori
Scoala de Valori (School of Values) is a non-profit organization founded in Romania in 2010, whose goal it is to build characters by engaging young people and teachers in non-formal education projects with themes such as entrepreneurship, art, financial education and personal development, career guidance, digital skills and IT reconversion.
School of Values challenges the status-quo in education. School of Values uses different educational patterns such as workshops, coaching, offline and online camps, gamification and game challenges, role plays and free talks/activities, and apply the practice-learn step-up methodology and the learn, unlearn, relearn approach in online interaction and webinars, face to face interaction and preparation seminars, and also in the interaction with companies, mentors and young professionals with the goal to increase personal responsibility for young people aged 10–24 and with the aim to open the world view of the teachers we are working with.
The organization focuses on students aged 10-24 and pre university teachers, both from urban and rural areas, form vocational and nonvocational schools, addressing the following topics: personal values and personal development, career guidance, financial education, social entrepreneurship, IT skills, digital skills, soft skills for employment and skills of the future. In 2020 and 2021, Scoala de Valori was part of the working group piloting the SELFIE and DigCompEdu Methodology, as the only NGO involved in this process in Romania working with the teachers and the public authorities. Scoala de Valori has implemented 80 non-formal educational projects and 4 national and 2 international programs and numerous international projects. In this framework, it has worked with 115,000 students and almost 11,000 teachers from more than 6,000 educational institutions, and 799 municipalities across Romania.