Online conference: professions and skills for the future

In the framework of the Erasmus+ project "Parcours for the future," the StartNet Network together with the project partners hosted an online conference on the future European labor market and VET challenges on the 17th of October 2023 from 10.00-12.00 (CET).

Experts, practitioners, and network partners presented the first findings on current and future trends as well as opened the floor to a debate about future skills and challenges, and solutions for vocational orientation: Alice Barbieri from Alfa Liguria - Agenzia regionale Lavoro, Formazione, Accreditamento, Ummuhan Bardak from ETF - European Training Foundation, Joanna Napierala from Cedefop and Magdalena Lipovac from Znanje na djelu / Wissen am Werk

The event was open to educational stakeholders, especially the community of schools and education practitioners in partner countries and on a European level.

Teachers and educators from the STRET TT2 project participated at the event, gathering insights for the future skills of youth and labor market trends in Europe.
